A large part of podiatry involves foot and ankle wound care and complicated limb salvage surgeries to save a person’s leg and quality of life. As specialists in every area below the knee, we can treat many types of wounds right here in our clinics. Foot, ankle and leg wound care involves a few different things including cleaning wounds, applying wound care products to promote and sometimes even performing surgery to heal a foot wound. The real challenge is treating the underlying cause of the wound. Often times there are several aspects to address when it comes to successful wound care.

Foot Wound Care

A large part of podiatry involves foot and ankle wound care and complicated limb salvage surgeries to save a person’s leg and quality of life. As specialists in every area below the knee, we can treat many types of wounds right here in our clinics. Foot, ankle and leg wound care involves a few different things including cleaning wounds, applying wound care products to promote and sometimes even performing surgery to heal a foot wound. The real challenge is treating the underlying cause of the wound. Often times there are several aspects to address when it comes to successful wound care.