Toenail Trimming & Care

Toenail Trimming Care Service

Proper toenail trimming care is necessary for everyone’s health. While you may be able to care for your toenails at home, you can also schedule a visit with the podiatrists at Certified Foot and Ankle Specialists to trim your toenails properly. It is during this visit that many overlooked preventive measures are performed. Having a physician perform these treatments is important because we are able to use medical-grade, sterilized equipment, provide preventive evaluation of the entire lower extremity, and most of all, we are able to provide overall care. These preventive visits keep small issues from becoming larger concerns, which is especially important for those with diabetes or vascular ailments.

Taking Care of your Toenails

The physicians at Certified Foot and Ankle Specialists are well trained in providing a pain-free technique. We utilize medical-grade nail trimmers which are more sanitary and sharper than your traditional at-home options. We use techniques to decrease ingrown nail formation and remove any that may be present safely and without pain. Proper nail care will improve how you walk and feel.

Proper Toenail Trimming Care

Nail care visits are especially important for those with poor blood flow and diabetes mellitus. Both diabetes mellitus and vascular problems leads to less healing because the nutrients needed are unable to arrive at the wound site. This makes healing from even small cuts difficult, so proper medical evaluations are needed. That is not the only concern rather patients with altered nerve function who do not have much feeling in the feet have cuts and ulcers that may be neglected and often only found when nail care is performed. It is important to remember that elongated nails apply pressure to the skin which can create wounds that can become isolated infections or ulcerations. Proper toenail trimming care also includes treating any underlying fungus as well. We have multiple treatment options available at all locations.

Foot care toenail trimming

A quick examination and visit in the office could keep you healthy and prevent foot illness from occurring while providing you excellent nail care.

More than Just Nail Cutting

During these visits our certified podiatrists provide more than just nail cutting rather preventive treatments such as offloading high-pressure areas with the use of over the counter orthotics, offloading pads or even custom orthotics. While trimmings are carried out, fungal nails, and skin screenings are performed, checking blood flow, nerve function testing and wound screenings.

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