Ankle Injuries – Sprain and Fracture

Sprained Ankle Injury Treatment

The ankle is a complex joint that connects the leg to the foot. It is made up of the tibia, fibula and talus. During normal gate and weight bearing, the ankle to weight ratio is under an extreme load due to the relatively small surface area of the talus and the tibia. Therefore, injuries such as a sprained or broken ankle, can result in severe pain with every step

The ankle is a complex joint that connects the leg to the foot.  It is made up of the tibia, fibula and talus.  During normal gate and weight bearing, the ankle to weight ratio is under an extreme load due to the relatively small surface area of the talus and the tibia.  Therefore, injuries such as a sprained or broken ankle, can result in severe pain with every step.

Broken Ankle

A broken ankle, or ankle fracture, also occurs most often as a result of a twisting injury, but with greater force than that which causes a sprain.  Most often the bone on the outside of the ankle, the fibula is broken.  In more severe sprains the tibia may be broken as well, sometimes in more than one place.  The ligament that connects the fibula and tibia also tears in many ankle fractures.

ankle injuries sprain fracture treatments
Sprained Ankle

An ankle sprain is the most common athletic injury.  It is also one of the most common reasons that patients visit an emergency room.  A sprain is an injury to a ligament, varying from stretching to completely tearing the ligament.  Ligaments connect bone to bone, usually around a joint and provide stability to the joint.  The most common ankle sprain results from twisting or rolling the ankle and occurs on the lateral or outside of the ankle involving the anterior talo fibular ligament, calcaneal fibular ligament and, less commonly in severe sprains, the posterior talo fibular ligament. Don’t hesitate to seek sprained ankle treatment to manage your symptoms and prevent the injury from getting worse.

Sprained Ankle Treatment

Sprained ankle treatment most often consists of immobilization and non-weight bearing.  If in severe cases in which instability results, surgical repair of the torn ligament may be indicated.  An MRI is helpful in determining the severity of an ankle sprain and which sprained ankle treatment in the most appropriate for your individual case.

Broken Ankle Treatment

Treatment of a broken ankle depends on the alignment of the fracture fragments as well as the inherent stability of the fracture pattern. If the bones are in good alignment and the joint is stable, cast immobilization with non-weight bearing is it acceptable form of treatment. However, if the broken bones are out of position and/or if the joint is unstable, surgical repair of the fracture is necessary. This is performed in the operating room where the foot and ankle surgeon will realign the fracture fragments and place plates and screws to hold them in position while they heal.

The outcomes of ankle fracture and sprain treatment options are typically very good, and most people return to full activity. Unfortunately, being a weight bearing joint, depending on the severity of patients’ ankle injuries, some people will end up with arthritis down the road.

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