What You Need to Know About Varicose & Spider Veins

spider veins on legs varicose veins and treatments

For South Florida residents, visible spider veins on legs can be a bit of a sore spot. Not only can they be uncomfortable, but varicose and spider veins can also make it more difficult to enjoy the year-round shorts weather with confidence. Furthermore, dark and twisted veins could actually be signs of a more serious problem. Th e words “varicose vein healthy feet” don’t go together for very goo reasons.

While varicose and spider veins are a result of damaged vein valves, disrupting your normal blood flow and causing it to pool, there are some differences between the two and their causes.

Fortunately, if you are noticing visible veins on your lower extremities, you don’t have to cover up your legs or go through painful, expensive treatments. Our in-house vein specialists work with our podiatrist to quickly and accurately diagnose your veins, ensure you have no underlying issues and treat the condition.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins can easily be seen through the skin. Symptoms include large, swollen, twisted and raised veins. They are usually dark blue, red or skin-colored, and they deeper in the body. They mostly commonly appear on the front and back of your calves, your thighs, or near your ankles and feet on your inner legs. Most people who develop varicose veins will almost always have spider veins as well.

What are Spider Veins?

At some point in you’re life, you’re bound to get spider veins. And while spider veins and varicose veins are connected, some people who have spider veins will never have varicose veins. Spider veins are usually red, smaller than varicose veins and they affect the veins found in your skin’s outer layer. They are usually red and they are often compared to spider webs or tree branches. Spider veins do not cause your skin to bulge like varicose veins commonly do.

Causes of Vein Issues

When the walls and valves of your veins are damaged and do not function properly, your blood can flow backwards and pool. This is known as venous insufficiency. The causes of this can vary, some of which can be prevented.

For some people, chronic venous insufficiency is hereditary, meaning you have no control over the development of the condition. Varicose and spider veins are also a result of spending too much time on your feet, sitting for long periods at a time, obesity or pregnancy.

When left untreated, varicose and spider veins can start to become painful.

Seek out a Vein Care Specialist For Spider Veins On Legs

If you have been dealing with the effects of visible spider vein on legs, you may be tempted to try at-home treatments. Just know, aside from some lifestyle adjustments, you will need to see a specialist for proper treatment to improve the appearance of spider and varicose veins. With the right, minimally invasive treatment, we can close off vein and stop the flow of blood completely.

Our in-house vein specialist, Dr. Randal Orem, is an expert in varicose and spider veins on legs.

Give us a call today to make an appointment: 1-855-550-FEET.

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