While you might not spend a lot of time thinking about your feet, they’re an integral part of your body. Feet are what get you through the thousands of steps that you take each day. Yet, we stuff them into high heels, pound down the sidewalk, and rarely think about foot health.
A total ankle replacement, also known as arthroplasty, is often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis in the ankle. The surgical procedure is designed to improve range of motion and joint stability while reducing ankle pain.
Did you know that arthritis in the big toe joint is the most common type of arthritis associated with the foot? It’s true.
Are you suffering from flat feet? It’s a very common condition. Up to 25% of adults in the United States have flat feet, or pes planus. For some, it’s not a problem, but others suffer from pain and discomfort from the condition. Flat feet reconstruction surgery may be an option if you’re experiencing symptoms related to the condition.
A sprained ankle can happen anytime you roll, turn, or twist your ankle improperly. The motion can stretch the ligaments that hold your ankle bones together, or it can tear them. In most cases, a sprain will injure the ankle ligaments on the outside and it can feel a lot like a broken bone. Thankfully, sprains can be treated at home.
Embarrassed to wear sandals or flip-flops because of yellowing, crusty toenails? Toenail fungus is extremely common, and it can be unsightly. Laser treatment for toenail fungus is one of the most promising options out there, but is it right for you? We’ll explore that and more below.
The single most common foot injury in sports is the inversion ankle sprain. It’s caused by twisting the foot inward, which stretches the outer ligaments and causes damage. Choosing the right foot specialist to evaluate it is important!
The Achilles tendon is a band of tissue going from the heel bone to the calf. It’s a crucial tendon for walking, running, and jumping. Just going through daily activities can put pressure and stress on your tendon. If the tendon experiences irritation, pain, and swelling, these are signs you may need Achilles tendon injury treatment.